5 Things Likely to Disrupt Your Project Plan

 fast track,

5 Things Likely to Disrupt Your Project Plan

So you’re ready to launch a carefully scheduled project plan. You’ve planned backwards and mapped out each stage of the work and who will be responsible for what, and your project plan is a thing of beauty. What could go wrong?

Plenty, it turns out. Here are five of the things most likely to disrupt your project plan if you don’t factor them in from the beginning.

1. Not finding out from the start who needs to be consulted or bought in.While you’re the one who’s overseeing and perhaps doing the work, there may be others in your organization (or even outside of it) who need to be consulted along the way. Don’t assume that you’ll be told this information proactively, either. It’s often the kind of thing that comes up when a project is halfway through or (worse) near the end. So make a point of explicitly inquiring at the start of the project whether there are specific people who need to have input or be on board with how you plan to proceed.

2. Not confirming each part of the schedule with others who are involved.If you’re relying on others to play a role in the work – whether it’s actually doing pieces of it or simply signing off on work – make sure that you’ve confirmed with them that your schedule works on their side. Otherwise, you risk finding out at a crucial point in the project that the person you were counting on to sign off by the end of the week is out of the country on vacation and unreachable.

3. Not getting buy-in from leadership above you to prioritize the work. The important thing to note here isn’t just that your leadership needs to think the work is a good idea and worth doing; it’s that they need to be willing to prioritize it over other uses of time and resources. “Sounds like a good idea – see if you can make it happen” is a different thing than “let’s commit to getting it done by January and here’s a budget to use.” If you’re planning to allocate significant amounts of energy to a project, make sure that the management above you is aligned with you about when it should happen and what that will mean for otherdemands on your time that might arise.

4. Not being clear with others about the roles you need them to play.Especially when you’re relying on a peer to complete a piece of a project, it’s easy to inadvertently miscommunicate what you’d like that person’s role to be. For example, your coworker might assume that you’re only seeking ideas from her, or that her participation is optional, when in fact you need her to actually complete a piece of work by a specific deadline. Be sure to clarify exactly what roles you’ll need people to play from the start – and don’t hide the message. Saying “It would be great if you were able to put something together by the end of the month” conveys a different message than “I will need final copy from you by October 29 in order to make our printer deadline.”

5. Not checking in with others as the work progresses. Don’t assume that work is progressing as you’d planned simply because you’ve given assignments to others. Instead, make a point of engaging regularly, so that you’llknow if the work is moving forward on schedule or whether course corrections are needed. Otherwise, you risk having a nasty surprise when work isn’t completed on schedule or looks significantly different from what you were envisioning.

VERY good article: Failure of IT PROJECT 

 IT Project Failure : sample cased & why

Where do we stand with IT project failure? Are success rates in the industry improving? Frankly, not really. At best, the same dreary old rates are holding steady. Let’s examine recent big-name stories and industry statistics of IT project failure in order to both understand what exactly is going on and also to find ways to buck the trend moving forward.

Recent IT Project Failures

NHS IT Projects (£5bn) at ‘High Risk’ of Failure – 2016

According to the recent updates from Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), National Health Service – UK faces a high risk of losing £5bn invested in IT projects. All the projects are presently struggling with “red” or “amber/red” status, thereby implying an unsuccessful delivery.

The HSCIC report suggests flagging of the £2.3bn CSC Local Service Provider (LSP) program, £168m NHSmail2 program, NHS Choices website, and Care.data program as these are unlikely to meet the pre-defined delivery norms. Most of these programs were originally started in 2003 or 2004 and have had an extremely troubled history since then.

IBM sued over SAP Project Disaster

IBM was slapped with a multimillion-dollar lawsuit in 2012 by chemical products manufacturer Avantor Performance Materials, which alleged that IBM lied about the suitability of an SAP-based software package it sells in order to win Avantor’s business. IBM had charged over $13 million from Avantor for a systems implementation project that was mismanaged and was unable to perform properly.

Current State of Failure Rates – IT Projects

As evident from the above scenarios, actual IT project failure rates are still looming in the dark. For instance, an annual survey (2016) of Innotas, a project management company, highlights that more than half of IT projects fail, 3 years after a similar survey displayed nearly identical findings.

In 2013, a survey from Innotas revealed that 50% of businesses measured had experienced an IT project failure within the last 12 months. Nothing much has changed in the last three years. On the contrary, according to the most recent Innotas Annual Project and Portfolio Management Survey, the numbers have increased. Fifty-five percent of 126 IT professionals interviewed between Jan’15 to Mar’15 reported a project fail, which was way above the 32% reported in 2014.

“The problem isn’t necessarily that there’s a shortage of project managers or technology tools to help organizations address these issues. It’s a problem with resource allocation and aligning those resources with business goals.”
-Tushar Patel, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Innotas

Some interesting statistics from recent studies depict this:

  • Only 64% of projects meet their goals; organizations lose $109 million for every $1 billion invested in projects and programs.
  • Average Project Success Rates:
    • 39% of all projects succeed (delivered on time, on budget, and with required features)
    • 43% are challenged (late, over budget, with fewer than the required features)
    • 18% fail (either cancelled prior to completion or delivery or never used)


Major Contributing Factors

The largest contributor to this continuing trend of IT project failures is poor estimation that occurs during the planning phase. Apart from this, lack of executive sponsorship contributes immensely to project failures. Despite being the top driver of project success, less than 2 in 3 projects had actively engaged project sponsors. Statistics depict 68% of projects don’t have an effective project sponsor to provide clear direction or help address problems.

priyanka2The Impact of Project Failures – Time & Cost Perspective

If recent research reports are to be believed, a significant share of projects overruns their original timelines or budgets. Failing IT projects have an average cost overrun of 59% and time overrun of 74%. Such cost and time overruns have an intense effect on national economies. One estimate of IT failure rates is between 5% and 15%, which represents a cost of $50 billion to $150 billion per annum in United States.

Poor project management comes with an enormous price tag; however, the costs aren’t always just financial. For instance, the failure of the FBI’s Virtual Case File software application cost U.S. taxpayers $100 million and left the FBI with an antiquated system that jeopardized its counterterrorism efforts.

A similar scenario can be seen for IBM in 2013 when it got sued over a $1 billion project that led to it being banned by Queensland, Australia. The matter in consideration was a custom computer project that was originally supposed to cost AUS$6 million and escalated into an over-budgeted AUS$1.2 billion, thereby hampering the reputation and credibility of IBM in the said market and its capability to bag new projects or client accounts.

IT Governance – A Key to Positive Project Outcomes

Poor IT governance is likely to be one of the key causes of failure in big IT projects. Some major adverse outcomes would be increased costs due to the inefficiencies of short-term tactical IT deployments, risk of breaching data security & regulatory compliance necessities, and unproductive use of people and IT assets.

On the other hand, strong IT governance procedures provide a consistent, common language that helps create strong, long-lasting relationships, as well as build transparency into projects or processes. Listed below are some best practices offered by IT governance that are likely to deliver positive project outcomes, once implemented well:

  • Hands-on business leadership direction and sponsorship
  • Creation of a formal business case to understand the value proposition of the project
  • Assurance that projects are incremental with milestone verification
  • Adequate checkpoints and tests along the way to mitigate the risks
  • Acceptable resource allocation
  • Establishment of a change management system
  • Maintenance of excellent records, emails, instructions, and meeting notes
  • Expert independent performance verification and audits
  • Value delivery and benefits realization assurance


As evident from above statistics and details, IT project failures rates are still continuing the same trend as in the past. The only viable solution to counter this issue is to have a strong IT governance in place and apply sound project management disciplines and controls to ensure better success rates.


Hot jobs 2016: Project management

Dari proyeksi data PMI, tahun 2020 akan ada lebih dari 1,5 juta new jobs project management baru pertahun ,

dan project management juga merupakan hot jobs, dari survey gaji di kelly service, download :  Indonesia Employment Outlook and Salary Guide 2016

. The salary ranges in this Guide are based on actual transactions between employers and employees of Kelly Services Indonesia and represent a reflection of the job marketplace


Hot Jobs - Project management

Project Management Itu Menyenangkan,

Project Management Itu benar benar menyenangkan,

Anda tambahi humor, tak terasa, pesan anda tersampaikan, mulai dr hal sederhana menapak menuju karier gemilang kemudian menjadi berkah utk semua.

Project Management itu menyenangkan 1Project Management itu menyenangkan 2Project Management itu menyenangkan 3Project Management itu menyenangkan 4





Project ada tujuan clear-jelas , SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Agreed to, Realistic (achievable), Timely)
Project ada start-finish datenya, (membuat waduk, terowongan lintas pulau – bisa puluhan tahun, atau utk project berbuka puasa yg sederhana hy beberapa jam )

Project ada list detail activity nya
Project ada cost calculation, PIC ( role/responsibility) ada resources nya
Project ada risk list identification & antisipasi nya
Ada Understanding, commitment, ownership, sense of urgency dari team membernya
Dan lain lain kalau sy tambah, tambah pusing nanti,.. gakk banget nanti wkk

SAP: Don’t blame us for DHL’s ailing logistics system

Project Lesson learned,

The upgrade gone wrong has already led to a write-off of €345 million

Deutsche Post DHL
Deutsche Post DHL Group is struggling with a software upgrade in its DHL Global Forwarding division.

Credit: Deutsche Post DHL Group

A languishing software upgrade project at Deutsche Post DHL Group has forced the German mail and courier company to take a write-off of €345 million, but software provider SAP is taking pains to make it clear that it’s not to blame.

“Recent media reports suggest there is a connection between SAP and problems with the implementation of a new logistics system at DHL,” the company said on Friday. “These statements regarding SAP are incorrect.”

Just over a week ago, a story in the German online publication Manager Magazinsuggested that DP-DHL might seek damages from SAP and IBM, both of which have been involved in the project.

Dubbed the New Forwarding Environment (NFE), the upgraded software for DHL’s Global Forwarding division was to enable a variety of new capabilities, including better shipment visibility through improved capture, management and display of operational milestones, and a reduction of paperwork through greater use of a document management system.

After the project hit the skids earlier this year, DP-DHL warned investors in late October about the anticipated financial impact.

“2015 is a year of transition,” said Frank Appel, the company’s CEO. “Our objective for a renewal of our forwarding business remains valid. We are now undertaking further measures to make this renewal business-centric.”

The write-down was formally confirmed by the company earlier this month when, as part of an earnings report, it announced further one-off effects of about €200 million. Part of the costs were attributed to removing the new software from the locations where it had been piloted.

The company now plans to take a more cautious and incremental approach to upgrading its technology, Appel said in a recent interview with German online publication DVZ.

As for SAP, “we are not the general contractor,” said Hilmar Schepp, the company’s head of strategic innovation and senior director for global corporate affairs. “It is SAP’s software. We sold the licenses, but we are not responsible for the implementation.”

DP-DHL appears to agree.

“As far as we can judge at present, this is not primarily an issue with the base software provider, technically or commercially,” confirmed Daniel McGrath, a representative for DHL Express and Deutsche Post DHL Group, via email. That provider — SAP — is “only providing the base software for the NFE solution and is not primarily responsible for the configuration, enhancement and piloting,” he added.

Such responsibilities fall instead to the general contractor for the project, and though neither SAP nor DHL would confirm it, that role apparently belongs to IBM.

“At this moment in time, we would prefer to refer to the roles within the program, without specifying the names of individual partners/suppliers,” McGrath said.

“We expect the general contractor who is primarily responsible for the program to fully deliver in line with their contractual obligations,” he added.

IBM did not respond to a request for comment.